Elevator Pitch
I have had a fascination with tarot decks for several years at this point so I have been wanting to use that as an outlet to show off my illustration skills. So I created Moth Tarot, an easy to read and more accessible card deck.
I chose to showcase moths for a few reasons: they represent change and transformation as well as the beauty and variation in their appearance.
I have had a fascination with tarot decks for several years at this point so I have been wanting to use that as an outlet to show off my illustration skills. So I created Moth Tarot, an easy to read and more accessible card deck.
I chose to showcase moths for a few reasons: they represent change and transformation as well as the beauty and variation in their appearance.

Main Poster
This poster was made to be a stand alone piece so people could understand the the idea behind the project without having the finished tarot card deck in front of them.

Secondary Posters
The inspiration for the layout of the next two posters was inspired by the "Have a Day" smiley face posters from the early 2000s. It also gives the viewer a closer look at the icons and moths created for the cards. The order of both posters are the number order of the major arcana cards 0-21.

Card Mockup
The cards have different meanings depending on when it is flipped over and the image is upright or inverted. Typefaces used for the guidebook are Averia Serif Libre for main body text, and Decoy for headers.

Guidebook Mockup
The guidebook is a tool to help people interpret the meaning of the cards during a reading but a persons intuition is also important to the meanings as well.

I went with a drawstring bag for packaging to make it stand out from other tarot cards as well as making it easier to travel with.
Major Arcana Spread

Minor Arcana Spreads
The minor arcana suits are based on the elements water, earth, wind, and fire. The normal suits are Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands. The names were changed to Dewdrops, Sticks, Wings, and Flames to keep the with the moth theme.
